- Website of Amir Ghoniem

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Welcome to my webpage. My name is Amir Ghoniem and I have studies psychology at the University of Trier and at the Appalachian State University in North Carolina, USA. Moreover, I have recently received my PhD degree in psychology from the University of Cologne.  

My main interests encapsulates human resources and personnel consulting. This involves  personnel selection, recruitment, management selection \ diagnostics, personnel research, potential analyses, talent management, personnel development, leadership development, coaching and training. 

For further information about my interests and academic history, please feel free to take a look at the career subsection or the CV subsection of my website.

I'm very interested in contacts or cooperations in the field of my interests. Currently I'm working at the ifp | Personalbeartung Managementdiagnostik as a executive search consultant for insurance companies as well as nonprofit organizations. Please feel free to contact me at any time at

Visit me on Xing. Just click here!


01/04/2019: Updated webpages; the CV section is currently under construction and not avaiable. Please send me an email if you would like to get an updated version of my CV. Thank you!

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